Template:About Digital Response

From Digital Response
Revision as of 19:48, 2 May 2016 by Willow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Digital response is an emerging space where we have a chance to apply our social justice brains and hearts in such a way that it bridges gaps in socioeconomic and technology....")
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Digital response is an emerging space where we have a chance to apply our social justice brains and hearts in such a way that it bridges gaps in socioeconomic and technology.

ALERT: Due to ongoing spam problems, we have had to disable anonymous editing and self-service account creation. 
We ABSOLUTELY welcome contributions to this wiki; please contact info@aspirationtech.org to request an account. 
We apologize for the hassle!

For a long time, it wasn't possible to include everyone's voice in planning or decision making without generally questionable amounts of time. There was no way to listen, at scale. Aggregation and centralization made some small sense, especially in times of urgency, even with the troubles these tend to cause. But now we have new technologies. We have the ability to listen, in high resolution and in high fidelity. But technology isn't a silver bullet -- we also need the political will, and the personal values to make that happen. And we have an awful lot of momentum related to history to make it easier to not make those shifts. With Aspiration's new digital humanitarian response program, we get to support some of the rad people willing and able to make these changes.

This wiki is a place to hold notes from events, details about projects spawned out of the events, etc.